Behind The Scenes

Diet Update #3: In the 200’s!


I now weigh 299.6 pounds which means for the first time in YEARS I’m in the 200’s!

That’s 21.4 pounds lost in 27 days!


The weather has been great so I’ve been walking a ton and sticking to my diet.

It has been a little tough because I’m currently working on a new project which has consumed all my attention so I need to sit and work a ton.

But I realized I can “work” by thinking while walking and taking notes on my phone.


I also learned that in addition to fruit being delicious and low calorie that I can still eat sweet and salty stuff and lose weight.

I’d highly recommend the Hersey’s Popped Snack Mix which has popcorn, pretzels, and little chocolate bars for 130 calories in a half-cup serving.

Skinnygirl (I know…) popcorn is also really good especially with a little seasoning.



Until then…

I’m Nathan Edward Priem and THAT was something else.

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