Opinion Pieces

Opinion: My Views On Censorship in Video Games and Anime/Manga


So, my views are not misconstrued by dishonest people who wish to represent me as someone I’m not I’m listing them right here…


I’m not “Alt-Right”, ”Far Right”, “MGTOW”, an “Incel”,” a White Nationalist” or a Neo-Nazi because I’m against censorship in video games, anime/manga and am heterosexual.

Nazi bullshit along with Communist bullshit is the quintessential example of the oppressive state I fight against.

I’m partially descended from Polish intellectuals, on the autism spectrum, and not exactly a model of Nordic masculinity… (Though hypocritically most Nazis weren’t either…)

…so unless you consider anyone who disagrees with you a “Nazi” then I’m about as far from a Nazi as you can get.


I do believe that Art is not a lecture on proper morality, be it left, right, religious, or secular.
It’s free human expression and no one should be stifled for ideological reasons or intimidated by any force other than the free market and the consumer.


I’m against censorship by either the left or the right.
I don’t care what administration is in power censorship is wrong.
Too many people are willing to scrap free speech if the “right” side is in power.
The state has no business in the discussion sans eliminating Child Pornography.


I don’t have an “agenda” except for freedom for creators.
I’m telling the stories I want to tell without interference from others.
All artists should have that right.


I’m not a “Gamergater” and view arguing on “X Formally Known as Twitter” as a waste of time.

I AM in favor of groups to promote the cause of creative freedom/freedom of speech but centralized to minimize bad actors and false flags which infest the discussion and turn it into petty internet drama.

You should have the freedom to make any woke games you want but don’t be surprised if you “go woke go broke” because nobody wants to play them.

Nobody likes to be lectured about how racist/homophobic/transphobic/whatever they are and people like characters who have personalities and aren’t a list of minority attributes.


Basically there is too much politics in gaming/anime and manga.
Like what you want!
Don’t get pissy if developers make something “politically incorrect” and don’t get mad if other people are enjoying things you don’t like either.
As long as it’s not CP it’s fine by me!



Until then…

I’m Nathan Edward Priem and THAT was something else.

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Opinion Pieces

Opinion: My Views On Censorship in Video Games and Anime/Manga

So, my views are not misconstrued by dishonest people who wish to represent me as someone I’m not I’m listing them right here…   I’m not “Alt-Right”, ”Far Right”, “MGTOW”, an “Incel”,” a White Nationalist” or a Neo-Nazi because I’m against censorship in video games, anime/manga and am heterosexual. Nazi bullshit along with Communist bullshit […]
