Movies Reviews/Recaps

Brief Thoughts on Talk to Me (2022) and The Boogeyman (2023)


I saw two newish movies!

I watched Talk to Me and it was pretty dang good!

Having watched it a day ago I think I can confidently give it an 85/100.

Sophia Wilde and Joey Bird were both really great, and their acting really helped smooth over any head-scratching moments in the story such as why they don’t just reveal the hand to their parents.

The ending bordered on a non-ending and it’s clearly setting up the recently announced sequel “Talk 2 Me”. (Yes that is the real title.)


The Boogeyman I’m a little more tepid on.

Sophie Thatcher was really good as the lead but the father Chris Messina’s bland acting and beard just reminded me of Bob Vila’s appearances on Home Improvement. It wasn’t bad it was just pretty generic “horror as a metaphor for grief”.

I’d give it a 65/100 mostly based on Sophie Thatcher’s performance.



Until then…

I’m Nathan Edward Priem and THAT was something else.


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