Behind The Scenes

I’m Successfully Dieting!



It’s been awhile!

I’ve been super busy with work (3000 words a day minimum!) but also starting a diet.

So far I’ve lost 10.2 pounds in 11 days!

How did I do this?


Simple calorie management and substitutions along with light exercise.

Before I was eating in excess of 4000+ calories a day (a relic of my agoraphobic days where I ate as a comfort source) and ate unhealthy frozen dinners and fast food because I had no time to cook or so I thought…

I got a Ninja IG651 Foodi Smart XL Pro 7-in-1 Indoor Grill/Griddle Combo (Amazon Affiliate link included if you want to get one and support me!) and I’ve been grilling up a storm!

Now I’m eating around 2000 calories a day and I feel great!

Maybe I’ll do a full review someday but suffice to say it’s a gamechanger in my life for it’s ease of use and quality grill, air fryer, and griddle.


MyNetDairy is also my savior in all this.

I’m not affiliated/sponsored by them in any way I just love their product.

Compared to others *cough* Fitbit *cough* they have a HUGE database of foods and tons of stats and analytics for nerds like me who want to overanalyze everything.

Plus it’s compatible with pretty much everything including Fitbit which is great because Fitbit’s app isn’t as good.


Until then…

I’m Nathan Edward Priem and THAT was something else.

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