Opinion Pieces

Opinion: Steller Blade, Aesthetics, Ugliness, and the Human Spirit


If I were two faced, would I be wearing this one? – Abraham Lincoln

There has been a lot of hubbub over the game Steller Blade.

Some people think its main character being an conventionally attractive woman (apparently based on a real woman, I’m not looking it up.) means it’s sexist and misogynistic.

What they mean is that it triggers them because they don’t feel attractive enough or fetishize “ugliness”. (I.e. the widespread WOKE appropriation of vitiligo as an aesthetic instead of a skin condition.)

It’s all performative reactionary contrarianism. (I.e. Gay= Good, Straight= Bad or Trans=Good, “Cis”=Bad)

But it got me thinking.

What is ugliness?

What is attractiveness?

Is it simply what is appeasing to the human eye?

I know what I find physically attractive (30-ish Japanese OL with Bob Haircuts if you’re wondering) but is that the whole story?

Contrary to most feminist claims any intelligent man wouldn’t marry a beautiful women if she had a horrid personality.

We as people naturally gravitate to others who share our interests and personalities.

The obnoxious stereotype of men drooling over women on cars is more wholesome than we realize since it points to the object of lust having a similar interest. (Enough to straddle it in a bikini!)

Even our fictional crushes tend to all exhibit noble traits or similar interests.

I’ll make my list of Childhood Crushes later but suffice to say they were all noble heroines who were attractive to both the eye and the mind.

Meanwhile despite being “conventionally attractive” I’d rather jump into a woodchipper than marry a Kardashian-Jenner.

So beauty isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be is it?

Much like most things WOKE people tend to simply invert an idea as an automatic position to “own” their parents.

So like in Tumblr art “beauty” is now a 400 pound hairy black (kind of racist there…) “non-binary” person with vitiligo instead of the large breasted white blonde women who taunted them in school. (Mine threw pencils at me!)

So far from being progressive the WOKE position is actually incredibly shallow and dare I say PROBLEMATIC™.

Appearance still matters a great deal it’s just inverted from the cultural norm for asspats on the internet.

But if beauty isn’t the sole indicator of human worth that WOKE people say it is what is?

I’d personally and I’d say this is true for most men would overlook a ton of “flaws” if I made an honest connection with a woman.

Because to me ugliness is cruelty, selfishness, laziness, shallowness and a hard heart not a few extra pounds, small breasts or not having the “right” curves.

Things like beautiful hair or big boobs are all superficial as long as the soul is good.

Also Steller Blade looks really good!

Download the demo on PSN now!


Until then…

I’m Nathan Edward Priem and THAT was something else.

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